
A successful education is the purpose and hope of all. Breaking through the barriers, physical,spiritual and mental, we feel a sublime sense of achievement. We feel the happiness of dreams of our youth being realized. Our hopes coming true......

Talking of dreams and youth, most people dream magnificent dreams in their youth, have a vision, however blurred, as to what should be and how their lives ought to be. But against the relentless onslaught of various factors like social pressures, direct and indirect, and individual vacillation, somewhere along the way, they lose it all. Some do not even know when that flame got extinguished. Some see it dying before their eyes, too tied down by straitjackets to react, and trudge on with only bleak memories of their dreams.

And dreams of fame and money is not what I entirely talk about, though those are a measure of success, they are merely effects of the mind of an individual or men, each of which play on each other, neither good nor bad, but just obscure inessential details in the abstract canvas of the ultimate truth. A canvas which is sewn of knowledge, and which with each peeling of ignorance of it, reveals new dimensions of color.

Pursuance of knowledge towards truth requires thinking. Man is destined not only to think but is equipped with the ability to metamorphize that thought into reality. the conquest of the thought-process towards knowledge itself requires a lower form of thought-process to evolve. And the attitude, those hazy set of unprocessed “airport” thoughts that is required to spark this iterative process? there have been various attitudes of the thought-process through the centuries, existentialist, rationalist, subjective, objective, and what have we----? A personality. I hold no-store for any of these, nor do I have a contempt for any of them. each man needs to be his own philosopher. But there has to be a method towards achieving this thought-process towards knowledge. A rejection of whatever little knowledge towards the truth, that we have is not constructive, nor is the belief of playing a game, of winning the stakes of money and fame, immersing oneself in the process of social achievement, ignoring the unknown and the unfathomed

Pursuance of knowledge, primarily for the pleasure of the individual and when possible. on achievement of various stages of it and therefore incidentally of use to mankind at large. The coming together of thought -process and knowledge, a “NEXUS”, which eventually brings to reality the enormity of our evolution and the attitude of our ancestors towards it

It is this “NEXUS” that goaded Einstein to think of the theory of relativity, Picasso to paint, Mozart to compose music, Aynn Rand to write and us, to dream of flying and reaching the heavens.

ladies and gentlemen, fasten your seatbelts!!!!!!!

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