
Welcome one and all.....


For those of you who do not know me, I’m John.
 This web site is my first, and its just something
I thought would be cool , besides enhancing and
replenishing my knowledge towards the successful
and enjoyable tasks of improving upon it and
developing even better ones in the foreseeable future

It just so amazing to see how technology has progressed, when our ancestors used to write on cave walls, the progression to the paper and the pen, to the printing press and now to the computer. Humanity has indeed seen a world of change and none more-so than in the last hundred years. As we stand today the computer revolutionizes the way we communicate and conduct business. It stands to know that the capabilities of technology are endless and in its quest we endeavor to improve and master these subtle arts so we may not be left behind and infact knowingly contribute to its advances.I have put together a nice compilation of photographs , besides having put together some text on some interesting topics.

I know its not much but as time progresses I hope to improve upon it for the pleasure of all interested.

Thank you and hope you enjoy yourselves


[Praks25] [Nexus] [Cities] [What's New] [My Profile] [The Year 2001]